The Bregman Leadership Podcast
Episode 2

Lee Ross

The Wisest One in the Room

Lee Ross, author of The Wisest One in the Room, is a wise man himself and you’ll leave our conversation wiser for it. You’ll have a better understanding of the difference between wisdom and intelligence, how to avoid the trap of naive realism, and how to incorporate different perspectives into your life. As an added bonus, you’ll learn what the research says about how long your vacation should be.

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– George Carlin quote: “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”
– James Pennebaker: Pronouns and Powerful people research


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Book: The Wisest One in the Room

About Lee Ross

Lee D. Ross, a professor of psychology at Stanford University since 1969, teaches courses in the application of social psychology to bargaining, negotiation, conflict resolution, and broader public policy issues. He is a co-founder of the Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation and the coauthor (with Richard Nisbett) of the books Human Inference and The Person and Situation as well as nearly 100 journal articles and book chapters. In 1994 Ross was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in 2003 he was named the American Psychological Society William James Fellow, and most recently he received the 2008 Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology.