Challenge 7: Commit to Purpose

  1. During the next few days, identify the most important thing for you to achieve this year – your Big Arrow, then tell people what it is. This can be personal or professional. Tip: Don’t think too hard. Invent fast, then edit.
  2. Take 2-3 minutes to record your experience in your journal or on our downloadable template. What did you notice? What did you feel?
  3. Post a piece of your journal entry or a sentence about your experience on social media with the tag #EmotionalCourage

Additional Resources

  • IN THE BOOK: Ch 26: Know Where You’re Going: Define Your Big Arrow
  • IN THE BOOK: Ch 27: Focus Where it Matters: Four Areas to Focus Your Attention
  • IN THE BOOK: Ch 45: Make a Decision: Act Boldly to Get Moving
  • READ: Execution is a People Problem, Not a Strategy Problem