Challenge 5: Connect with Others

  1. Find at least one person with whom you can spend an uninterrupted hour to ask and answer these 36 questions. Set a time, shut off all devices and interruptions, and jump in with honesty and authenticity. If you don’t have time to do all of them, choose at least 2-3 questions from each set.
  2. Take 2-3 minutes to record your experience in your journal or on our downloadable template. What did you notice? What did you feel?
  3. Post a piece of your journal entry or a sentence about your experience on social media with the tag #EmotionalCourage

Additional Resources:

  • The 36 Questions are in many forms all over the internet – printable versions, apps, etc. If the link above doesn’t work for you – or if you’d prefer to use a printable version, simply google “36 Questions that lead to love”.