The Bregman Leadership Podcast
Episode 24

Marc Schoen

Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You

How do we become comfortable with discomfort? You might think it’s impossible, or undesirable, but as Dr. Marc Schoen puts it in his latest book, Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You, feeling discomfort without “hitting the fear button” will allow you to experience things more fully. The goal is not to relieve stress, but to weather it.


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Book: Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You
Bio: Dr. Schoen is an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine where he specializes in Boosting Performance and Decision Making Under Pressure. He has worked extensively with elite athletes, professional and college, as well as, executives and UCLA medical students in strengthening their ability to thrive under pressure, and in competitive and uncomfortable conditions. His method of Discomfort Training, builds hardiness and resilience, by rewiring the fear region of the brain which is responsible for performance under pressure.